Investment Portfolio
After integration of Home Solutions, Talkpool AB and Our Energu, Nordic Propeye (NP) will be a major player in measuring energy and water consumption, CO2 levels, radon, etc in commercial buildings and privately owned condominiums. Through efficient connectivity solutions and a highly efficient IT-plattform, the customers of NP can realize big energy savings and reduce CO2 footprint. NP is a global player with profitable and recurring revenues, backed by world class IP within sensor/IoT security and energy efficiency.
Sacculus was the initiator of the mergers, and the next step is now to both capitalize on identified synergies, and identify new ones, and scale-up both in Sweden and globally.
- Stable and recurring revenues
- International presence and global growth potential
- Addressing energy reductions and indoor climate in both private and commercial properties
- Owners supporting a roll-up strategy/consolidation
Myrspoven optimize buildings’ energy-usage with advanced AI.
By connecting the building’s BMS system and download data, a digital twin of the building is created. Weather data, social data, energy tariffs and other external data is then applied to the proprietary advanced AI-model and results in new input to the building’s BMS system. This is done every 15 minutes 24/7/365 and can lower energy usage with up to 30% with equivalent or even improved indoor climate.
Myrspoven has 25+ customers and are managing more than 1000 bigger commercial buildings as of today. The company is in scale-up phase with an impressive prospect list and is currently closing a global cooperation agreement with one of the biggest Building Management System (BMS) provider in the world that will boost the growth further.
- Deep Tech company using advanced true AI
- Building energy savings up to 30%
- Strong business model with high stickiness and recurring revenues
- Pole position to leverage on rising energy prices and increased Green Building focus
Airwatergreen (AWG) design, manufacture and sell air treatment products. The products maintain a stable indoor climate by controlling both the humidity level and the temperature and are designed to be used in large commercial properties. The unique patented technology has a proven energy reduction in the range of 50%, compared to all other market leading products.
With the increase focus on indoor climate and CO2 reduction in commercial and private properties/buildings, fueled by a fluctuating and steep increase of energy costs, AWG is extremely well positioned to expand rapidly and becoming a sought-after acquisition target by any of the market leaders in this industry sector.
- Addressing dehumidification and air treatment, a major CO2 contributor
- 50% energy reduction, compared to all other market leading products
- Strong business model with high ratio recurring revenues (25%/year on sales)
- Investing in rapid growth and geographical expansion